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Role of layer 6 of V2 visual cortex in object-recognition memory.

Lopez-Aranda MF, Lopez-Tellez JF, Navarro-Lobato I, Masmudi-Martin M, Gutierrez A, Khan ZU (2009) Role of layer 6 of V2 visual cortex in object-recognition memory. Science 325:87-89. doi: 10.1126/science.1170869

Summary: The authors examined the role of the V2 visual cortex in visual memory. Working with the prediction that object-recognition memory (ORM) control is centered in the V2 visual cortex, rats received 0.9 µg injections of OX7-SAP (Cat. #IT-02) into this area. Treatment with OX7-SAP eliminated virtually all neurons in layer 6 of area V2 of the visual cortex without damaging the hippocampus. The results indicate that this area of the visual cortex is important for ORM formation, but not storage.

Related Products: OX7-SAP (Cat. #IT-02)

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