Author name: Kristen Hartman

Potential roles of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and the PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1)/Parkin pathway for mitochondrial protein degradation in disuse-induced soleus muscle atrophy in adult rats

Uda M, Yoshihara T, Ichinoseki-Sekine N, Baba T, Yoshioka T (2020) Potential roles of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and the PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1)/Parkin pathway for mitochondrial protein degradation in disuse-induced soleus muscle atrophy in adult rats. PLoS One 15(12):e0243660. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0243660 PMID: 33296434 Objective: To investigate the involvement of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) […]

Potential roles of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and the PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1)/Parkin pathway for mitochondrial protein degradation in disuse-induced soleus muscle atrophy in adult rats Read More »

Short oligoalanine helical peptides for supramolecular nanopore assembly and protein cytosolic delivery

Pazo M, Salluce G, Lostalé-Seijo I, Juanes M, Gonzalez F, Garcia-Fandiño R, Montenegro J (2021) Short oligoalanine helical peptides for supramolecular nanopore assembly and protein cytosolic delivery. RSC Chem Biol 2:503-512. doi: 10.1039/D0CB00103A Related Products: Saporin (Cat. #PR-01)

Short oligoalanine helical peptides for supramolecular nanopore assembly and protein cytosolic delivery Read More »

Extracellular levels of the sleep homeostasis mediator, adenosine, are regulated by glutamatergic neurons during wakefulness and sleep

Sun MJ, Tang Y (2020) Extracellular levels of the sleep homeostasis mediator, adenosine, are regulated by glutamatergic neurons during wakefulness and sleep. Purinergic Signal 16(4):475-476. doi: 10.1007/s11302-020-09758-3 Summary: Blanco-Centurion et al. investigated the role of cholinergic neurons in the BF by administering 192–IgG–SAP to lesion them, but surprisingly the results indicated that adenosine from cholinergic

Extracellular levels of the sleep homeostasis mediator, adenosine, are regulated by glutamatergic neurons during wakefulness and sleep Read More »

Measuring attention in rats with a visual signal detection task: Signal intensity vs. signal duration

Holloway Z, Koburov R, Hawkey A, Levin ED (2020) Measuring attention in rats with a visual signal detection task: Signal intensity vs. signal duration. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 199:173069. doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2020.173069 Summary: Drug-induced effects have been used to demonstrate the construct validity of operant attention tasks, as well as to assess the pharmacological systems that underlie

Measuring attention in rats with a visual signal detection task: Signal intensity vs. signal duration Read More »

Exercise is neuroprotective to motoneuron dendrites following partial motoneuron depletion via a mechanism dependent on androgen receptors at the target muscle

Chew C (2020) Exercise is neuroprotective to motoneuron dendrites following partial motoneuron depletion via a mechanism dependent on androgen receptors at the target muscle. Indiana Univ, Dept Psychol & Brain Sci Thesis. See: Chew C et al. Exercise promotes recovery after motoneuron injury via hormonal mechanisms. Neural Regen Res 15(8):1373-1376, 2020. Related Products: CTB-SAP (Cat.

Exercise is neuroprotective to motoneuron dendrites following partial motoneuron depletion via a mechanism dependent on androgen receptors at the target muscle Read More »

Differential mechanisms are required for phrenic long-term facilitation over the course of motor neuron loss following CTB-SAP intrapleural injections.

Borkowski LF, Nichols NL (2020) Differential mechanisms are required for phrenic long-term facilitation over the course of motor neuron loss following CTB-SAP intrapleural injections. Exp Neurol 334:113460. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2020.113460 Objective: To understand the mechanism responsible for this difference in magnitude of phrenic long-term facilitation (pLTF) Summary: pLTF in 7d CTB-SAP treated rats is elicited primarily

Differential mechanisms are required for phrenic long-term facilitation over the course of motor neuron loss following CTB-SAP intrapleural injections. Read More »

Characterizing the neural substrate of reward with the use of specific brain lesions

Cromwell HC (2021) Characterizing the neural substrate of reward with the use of specific brain lesions. Fakhoury M (Ed.): The Brain Reward System. Neuromethods. 165. Humana, New York, NY doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1146-3_3 Summary: This review is focused on experimental lesions and work using the rodent model examining the neural substrates of reward processing. Saporin is listed

Characterizing the neural substrate of reward with the use of specific brain lesions Read More »

Depletion of C1 neurons attenuates the salt-induced hypertension in unanesthetized rats.

Ribeiro N, Martins Sá RW, Antunes VR (2020) Depletion of C1 neurons attenuates the salt-induced hypertension in unanesthetized rats. Brain Res 1748:147107. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2020.147107 Objective: To determine if the ablation of C1 neurons mitigates high blood pressure induced by high-salt intake. Summary: Data show that hypertension induced by high-salt intake is dependent on C1 neurons.

Depletion of C1 neurons attenuates the salt-induced hypertension in unanesthetized rats. Read More »

Sox10 functions as an inducer of the direct conversion of keratinocytes into neural crest cells

Motohashi T, Kawamura N, Watanabe N, Kitagawa D, Goshima N, Kunisada T (2020) Sox10 functions as an inducer of the direct conversion of keratinocytes into neural crest cells. Stem Cells Dev 29(23):1510-1519. doi: 10.1089/scd.2020.0106 PMID: 33040687 Objective: To investigate whether Sox10 functions in the direct conversion of other somatic cells into neural crest cells (NCCs).

Sox10 functions as an inducer of the direct conversion of keratinocytes into neural crest cells Read More »

Structural and functional consequences of targeted hippocampal gaba neuron ablation by stable substance p-saporin in rats

Chun E (2020) Structural and functional consequences of targeted hippocampal gaba neuron ablation by stable substance p-saporin in rats. Morehouse School of Medicine Thesis. See: Chun E et al. Targeted hippocampal GABA neuron ablation by Stable Substance P-saporin causes hippocampal sclerosis and chronic epilepsy in rats. Epilepsia 60(5):e52-e57, 2019. Related Products: SSP-SAP (Cat. #IT-11)

Structural and functional consequences of targeted hippocampal gaba neuron ablation by stable substance p-saporin in rats Read More »

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