Effects of Cholinergic Lesions and Cholinesterase Inhibitors on Aromatase and Estrogen Receptor Expression in Different Regions of the Rat Brain.
Li J, Rao D, & Gibbs RB. Neuroscience
Available online 29 May 2018 In Press, Uncorrected Proof.
- This paper applied a novel UPLC–MS/MS method to detect aromatase (ARO) activity in the brain tissue.
- Medial septum selective cholinergic lesion (192-IgG-SAP; Cat. #IT-01) did not regulate ARO and estrogen receptors (ERs) in the hippocampus.
- Cholinesterase inhibitors injection has no influence on ARO and ERs in several brain regions.
- Galantamine increased ARO activity with no change of ARO mRNA in the amygdala.