BIgG-SAP Mouse [IT-74]

a tool for use as control for bonded mouse antibody-based lesioning agent; non-targeted via biotinylated mouse IgG conjugated to streptavidin-saporin

SKU: IT-74 Category: Quantity: 25 ug, 100 ug, 250 ug | Host: mouse | Reactivity: no known specificity | Conjugate: streptavidin-saporin | Usage: control |

BIgG-SAP mouse is a biotinylated normal mouse IgG mixed with Streptavidin-ZAP in the identical manner as other bonded conjugates, to give a definitive baseline for comparison to the activity of targeted toxins from the BETA product pipeline as well as others.

BIgG-SAP serves as a control for bonded mouse conjugates utilizing biotin-streptavidin technology.

keywords: saporin, control, blank, IgG, biotin, streptavidin, IgG-SAP


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