Gangsta resided with Dr. Lappi and kindly consented to appear in many of our Targeting Trends newsletters. Please enjoy the photos!
I’m not sleeping. I’m meditating. 10/13Gangsta enjoys a rest in his favorite garden spot. 7/13I live life . . . Gangsta style. 4/13Gangsta enjoys the last rays of the afternoon sunshine. 1/13Gangsta meows plaintively, “Have I been in ‘time out’ long enough? I’m getting hungry!” 10/12Gangsta practices his ‘upward facing cat’ pose. 7/12It wasn’t me! I didn’t do it! I’ve been in this cupboard all day! 4/12Perhaps Gangsta should wear his safety glasses when he eats cat grass! 1/12As the seasons begin to change and the cooler weather creeps upon the land, Gangsta enjoys a brief sleep in the waning sunlight. 10/11Gangsta surveys his kingdom. All is well in the royal gardens. 7/11Gangsta has his own personal drinking fountain. Perched on marble, surrounded by orchids, that’s the life! 4/11Happy New Year! 1/11Just five more minutes. . . 10/10OK. Serve it up. I’m ready. I don’t need a ping pong paddle. I have four ‘paw-dles’ that will do just fine! 7/10Gangsta, potentate of the palace, ponders the perplexities of the planet as he purrs against his plush pillow, and awaits the pleasing of his palate. 4/10Gangsta is sympathetic, but he’s not willing to share his lair with an outsider. Scat cat! 1/10Gangsta takes one small step for all cat-kind. 10/09What a day for a daydream! 7/09Summer’s almost here. Gotta work on my tan! 4/09Gangsta steps in as Guest Editor “Love the pictures (Doug looks terrific!). Love the posters. Just a little too much white space.” 1/09Gangsta thinks this deer sleeps far more than any cat! 10/08Just call me when it’s time for dinner. 7/08Ahh. The joys of Spring! 4/08Gangsta enjoys some lap time on Bring Your Cat to Work Day. 1/08Gangsta holds on tight to get every little crumb. 10/07Ahh. Nothing like a little snooze while watching one of the great old movies. I’m sure Doug will tell me how it turns out. 7/07Sure hope somebody got a new laundry basket for Christmas! 1/07Gangsta breaks into the catnip. “Who says you can have too much of a good thing?!” 10/06There’s just nothing like a nice rub on the chin. Ahhhhh! 7/06Gangsta sighs and settles in, “Alright, I’ve found a nice comfy position here on your lap. Don’t even think about getting up for a snack!” 4/06There’s nothing better than a nice cozy place to curl up when the weather turns cold. 1/06Gangsta stalks the evil laser eye as it threatens his territory. . . GOT IT! 10/05A cactus by any other name would still stick you in the nose! Poor Gangsta! 7/05“Let them have their lattes; water is the nectar of life!” Words of wisdom from Gangsta. 4/05Gangsta . . . the mighty elk!? 1/05“Hmm. I don’t know what I think about that guy Hess.” 10/04Gangsta thinks he’s the preferred table decoration! 7/04Spring Cleaning? Gangsta’s solution to the Spring Cleaning bug – find a nice warm spot for a nap! 4/04Gangsta is taking a bite out of life — and savoring it! 1/04Gangsta is a bit theatrical sometimes. This is his idea of a “screenplay”! 10/03Gangsta isn’t usually on the fence about things; this must be about a decision over food, sleep or hassling his sister Ethel. 7/03Spring is in the air and Gangsta ponders the mysteries of life. 4/03The white arrow indicates Saponaria officinalis (saporin) growing in Dr. Douglas Lappi’s garden. The yellow arrow points to Gangsta, Dr. Lappi’s cat, who is perfectly safe playing around this plant. 7/01