Gangsta resided with Dr. Lappi and kindly consented to appear
of our Targeting Trends newsletters.
Please enjoy the photos!
Oct-Nov-Dec, 2004: "Hmm. I don't know what I think about that guy Hess." (Psst. It's a clue from Gangsta!) |
Jul-Aug-Sep, 2004: Gangsta thinks he’s the preferred table decoration! |
Apr-May-Jun, 2004: Spring Cleaning? Gangsta’s solution to the Spring Cleaning bug - find a nice warm spot for a nap! |
Jan-Feb-Mar, 2004: Gangsta is taking a bite out of life — and savoring it! |
Oct-Nov-Dec, 2003: Gangsta is a bit theatrical sometimes. This is his idea of a “screenplay”! |
Jul-Aug-Sep, 2003: Gangsta isn't usually on the fence about things; this must be about a decision over food, sleep or hassling his sister Ethel. |
Apr-May-Jun, 2003: Spring is in the air and Gangsta ponders the mysteries of life. |
Jul-Aug-Sep, 2001: The white arrow indicates Saponaria officinalis (saporin) growing in Dr. Douglas Lappi’s garden. The yellow arrow points to Gangsta, Dr. Lappi’s cat, who is perfectly safe playing around this plant. |